Mittwoch, 4. Februar 2015

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Dieses ATC ist durch Inspiration folgender Challenges entstanden. Stampotique Design Challenge mit Citrus Colours, Moo-Mania & More mit Masculin, ATC Around the World mit Herzen und Simon Monday Challenge mit H is for Hearts.

15 Kommentare:

  1. Sehr schön! Danke fürs Mitmachen bei Moo Mania and More, Valerie

  2. Klasse!Danke fürs Mitmachen bei Moo Mania & More!

  3. Ein sehr interessantes Werk ;o)
    Dein HG Ist klasse. Danke für deine Teilnahme bei ATC Around the World.
    Grüßle Andrea

  4. Fab ATC, Kerstin! Love your citrus color palette in both the background and on your image! Works perfectly!

  5. Ein tolles ATC, Kerstin.

    Danke für's Mitmachen bei MOO-MANIA & MORE

  6. I love this little guy and great how you used him.

    Love Chrissie

  7. What a sweet ATC, love your background. Thanks for joining us over at Stampotique!

  8. Ohjaa das ist overgenial geworde Kerstin.
    Freu mich das DU wieder bei ATC Around the World dabei bist
    Drück Dich lieb

  9. Super cute!! Thanks for joining this weeks Stampotique challenge. XOXO

  10. Beautiful. Love the hearts! Thank you for joining Stampotique Designers Challenge. Gez

  11. almost Valentine...such a sweet card, thanx for joining us at this challenge!

  12. What an original card you've made! I really like how you combined traditional elements (like hearts) with such a unique image! It is wonderfully whimsical! I also thought it was so clever of you to use two polka dot patterns: the dots and then the reverse dots. You did an amazing job and I'm so glad you took the time to share your talents with us here at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!

  13. Love your background and the huge heart that you gave him. So cute. ☺

  14. Gorgeous! Thanks for joining us again at Stampotique this week.
